1. Global strategies
  2. Translating the bible

Translating the bible

  • Adapting the language of the bible


The Bible is one of the principal means for spreading the Word of God.


A succession of Catholic popes have argued against disseminating the bible to lay publics, especially in their own language:< Pope Innocent III was of the opinion that the Scriptures were too deep for the common people, as they surpassed even the understanding of the wise and learned. Several synods in Gaul, during the 13th century, prohibited the reading of translations, and ordered the copies to be burnt. In an edict of January 4th, 1486, people were threatened with excommunication those who ventured to translate and circulate the translations of sacred books, especially the Bible without permission.

The Council of Constance (1415), condemned the writings Wycliff, the first translator of the whole Bible into the English tongue; and Arundel, archbishop of Canterbury and chancellor of England, denounced him as that `pestilent wretch of damnable heresy who, as a complement of his wickedness, invented a new translation of the Scriptures into his mother tongue.'< Pope Pius IV (1564), expressed the conviction that indiscriminate reading of Bible versions did more harm than good, and therefore would not allow laymen to read the sacred book except by special permission of a bishop or an inquistor. Benedict XIV extended the permission to read the Word of God in the vernacular to all the faithful, yet with the provisio that the translation be approved in Rome and guarded by explanatory notes from the writings of the fathers and Catholic scholars (1757). However this more liberal perspective excluded all Protestant versions, irrespective of their quality. These were regarded as corrupt and heretical and were often burnt in Catholic countries.

Bible societies have been denounced and condemned, even by more modern popes, as a `pestilence which perverts the gospel of Christ into a gospel of the devil' grouped as modern evils with socialism, communism and secrety societies. (Papal Syllabus of Pius IX, 1864).




Global strategies
(G) Very specific strategies
  • Information » Interpretation, translation
  • Religious practice » Scriptures
  • Language » Languages
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    Last update
    Dec 3, 2024