Taking missionary action
- Undertaking missionary activity
- Conducting missionary activity
Acting to express the love of God through love of mankind, to propagate a religious faith, to relieve misery or to foster progress, as individuals or groups. Education has been a major focus of this activity in the past. Medicine, education, agriculture, communications, development, law, youth work, relief to the poor and many other fields of activity are currently practised by missionaries.
The term missionary first came into use about 1622 when the Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith of the Roman Catholic Church was instituted. Within the Catholic Church the priests and religious brothers played this role nearly exclusively throughout the 17th and 18th centuries. In the 19th Century it was expanded to include religious sisters and later the laity. This Century the term has expanded in meaning from overseas and among other faiths to any work anywhere by the faithful bring enlightenment and the alleviation of suffering.
Missionaries intend to impose cultural and religious systems on other people.