1. Global strategies
  2. Thinking systematically

Thinking systematically

  • Using systems thinking
  • Applying systems ecology
  • Studying whole systems


Thinking about the world in terms of relationships, connectedness and context.


Some definitions of systems are: 1. A set of objects together with relationships between the objects and between their attributes. Objects are parts or components of the system such as: atoms, stars, switches, masses, bones, neurons, gases, genes, etc, including abstract objects such as: mathematical variables, equations, rules and laws, processes, etc, and social actors such as: individuals, groups, communities, nations, etc; 2. Some form in structure or operation, concept or function, composed of united and integrated parts; 3. Any set of interrelating elements, including: any one of the concrete systems from solar system to molecule and electron, from cell to organism, together with personality, small group, formal organization, political system, economic system, and social system; a system of rules or procedures; a theoretical system bringing together various concepts and generalizations for the purpose of description, explanation or prediction.


Systems ecology is a combination of approaches of systems analysis and the ecology of whole ecosystems when viewed as interdependent and functionally interacting components. The approach is based on an analysis of the network of relationships between organisms and organs, at any level of subdivision, within plant or animal communities. Such relationships need not be expressed as quantitative functions but may be expressed as the presence or absence of flows in a particular direction of material or energy. They may also express alternative pathways of development or direction of change in the organic or inorganic parts of the system.



Studying ecology
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Sustainable Development Goal #4: Quality EducationSustainable Development Goal #15: Life on Land


Global strategies
(D) Detailed strategies
  • Geography » Ecology
  • Action » Application
  • Research, standards » Study
  • Informatics, classification » Classification
  • Cybernetics » Systems
  • Content quality
    Yet to rate
     Yet to rate
    Last update
    Dec 3, 2024