Sustaining decisional stance
Clarifying the roles of people in each life phase with the aid of symbols, celebrations, assignments of responsibility and accountability, and grounding of roles in historical heritage. The effect is to enable everyone to understand the unique gifts that people of each life phase can bring to the task of building the new global society.
An integral aspect of intentionalizing generation roles in order to enable the individual's active participation in the responsible creation of his life by becoming conscious of the significance of his life phase.
Tactics include: defined vocation to provide an understanding of one's role in the family and the community by dealing with phases, style, station, mission and historical context; recreated symbolism to provide a constant reminder of one's decision to 'live out his life-phase' in a significant way, through creating personal and phase symbols, decor, intentional celebrations, and secular liturgies; focused polity to clarify the family decision structure which allows one to maintain his decision to live out his life-phase through assignments, accountability, and consensus within the family; appropriated heritage to give an historical context for the story of one's self-identity in current roles; inter-phased relationships to emphasize the significance of each life-phase and the importance of mutual honouring of each phase among phase groups. An example would be a renewed understanding of the gifts of the elderly; now largely ignored.
Global strategies
(D) Detailed strategies
Policy-making » Policy
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Last update
Dec 3, 2024