Sharing the benefits in biodiversity conservation
- Promoting equitable benefit-sharing in sustainable use of biological resources
Two-thirds of the world's biodiversity is located in developing countries, collectively termed 'the south' and provides an important resource for the economic development of these countries. Biodiversity conservation thus carries a heavier burden for developing countries than for the biologically poorer 'north', comprising the industrialised countries. It has largely been private companies in industrialised countries which have benefited from the south's biological riches. It is argued by developing countries that issues such as access to genetic resources and technology, and the equitable sharing of benefits from the conservation and use of biodiversity must be included in any global agreements concerning biodiversity.
The sharing of benefits arising out of the utilisation of genetic resources relates to the implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) in a number of aspects: access to genetic resources and distribution of the benefits of biotechnology including research and commercial partnerships between providers and users of genetic resources; transfer of technology; technical and scientific co-operation; knowledge, innovations and practices of indigenous and local communities embodying traditional lifestyles.
In relation to genetic resources, the CBD reaffirms the sovereign right of Parties over their genetic resources. It also stipulates that Parties should not impose inappropriate restrictions and that access should be on mutually agreed terms. Correspondingly, a whole range of solutions regarding access to these resources needs to be considered.
There is a need for exploration of the implications of intellectual property rights on biodiversity and equitable benefit sharing.
It is necessary to ensure that information concerning traditional knowledge, practices and cultures is used for research only with the consent, cooperation and control of holders of that knowledge. Wherever possible, the use and collection of such knowledge must result in social, economic or environmental benefits to the traditional owners through formal prior informed consent procedures and mutually agreed terms.
The World Bank stresses new approaches to management of protected areas that incorporate local people into protection benefit sharing and planning and will highlight the need to consider the needs and welfare of forest-dwelling people.
Sustainable forest management (at least sustaining flows of some key goods and services) is only possible if there is a level playing field in terms of standards, regulations and costs.