Benefit-sharing of community level biodiversity conservation
- Promoting equitable benefit-sharing in local biological resource management
Identifying and encouraging the optimum use of the components of biological diversity, ensuring the fair distribution of the benefits to the nation and to local communities.
Promoting the development of partnerships between conservation agencies, community organisations, NGOs, and private entrepreneurs for purposes of planning and managing the use of resources within and outside of protected areas, and optimising benefits for local people.
Benefits that flow from the array of functions provided by biological diversity at the ecosystem level provide the basis of human environmental security and sustainability. The ecosystem approach seeks that the benefits derived from these functions are maintained or restored. In particular, these functions should benefit the stakeholders responsible for their production and management. This requires: capacity-building, especially at the level of local communities managing biological diversity in ecosystems; the proper valuation of ecosystem goods and services; the removal of perverse incentives that devalue ecosystem goods and services; and, consistent with the provisions of the Convention on Biological Diversity, where appropriate, their replacement with local incentives for good management practices.