1. Global strategies
  2. Providing know-how for international business

Providing know-how for international business

  • Providing expertise in international marketing
  • Providing information on export marketing skills


It is generally recognized that exporting is much more difficult than selling to the domestic market in terms of the knowledge and skills required. Exporting requires expertise in export marketing in addition to the ability to produce an exportable product. There is a need for personnel with the skills, knowledge and confidence to initiate and develop the export function.

In this context, three types of training scheme are important for economic agents in the export business. First, small enterprises (and intermediaries) would benefit from highly practical managerial training modules covering such topics as: how to start a small business; how to arrange for the financing of a small business; how to hire personnel; how to take advantage of government incentives; and how to maintain quality control of raw materials, work stations and final products. The level of sophistication of the training would vary according to the education levels of the trainees. Second, a module on export marketing designed for export houses (and intermediaries) would be useful in covering export procedures, packaging requirements, costing and pricing for exports, market selection, product improvement and sources of assistance. Third, as export-promoting and small and medium-sized enterprise-developing agencies are often responsible for designing, coordinating and supporting these programmes, it would help if the relevant capabilities of their staff were built up. Personnel from these agencies, whether they be governmental or nongovernmental, should be trained in the organization (and provision) of marketing activities, and in the counselling of enterprises on exporting. Moreover, all staff coming into contact with foreign partners ought to have have at least a working knowledge of a major foreign language.

It is widely accepted that a good level of general education (literacy and numeracy: the three "Rs") is essential if a country aspires to have a competitive workforce in today's global economy. Governments should therefore emphasize access to general education, in particular, for the poorer segments of society, and seek to improve its quality.


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Sustainable Development Goal #8: Decent Work and Economic GrowthSustainable Development Goal #12: Responsible Consumption and Production


Global strategies
(D) Detailed strategies
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  • Information » Expertise
  • Commerce » Market
  • Commerce » Import, export
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    Last update
    Dec 3, 2024