1. Global strategies
  2. Enabling participation in the judiciary

Enabling participation in the judiciary


Broadening and instructing the individual in the arenas of judicial procedure and decision-making in order that he becomes a more integral and active participant in the formation of social consensus. This enables the personal voice to be more instrumental in affecting the judiciary. The effect is that the judicial process is recontextualized for the individual as he comes to realize himself as a more influential, constructive, contributing individual, working to form the social consensus.


An integral part of recontextualizing judicial procedures through the establishment of a system of decision-making accountable to the demands both of the individual and of the global context.


Tactics include: remodeled education to effectively impact the individual in relationship to the judicial process by providing him with tools which make possible the voicing of his knowledgeable, invested decisions through consensus; institution expansion to recontextualize the judicial procedures through the individual by making readily available the environments necessary to provide the distribution of information and education; direct legal education of laymen in responsible decision-making and judicial procedure in relation to consensus, using modern methodology and curricula, made available in typical daily environmental situations which will allow each individual fuller participation; broadening and recontexting the role of the individual in relationship to judicial procedures, using media as the vehicle through which re-orientation in regard to world justice will take place via images and art forms; and individual motivation to enable each person to contribute to the judicial processes thus reflecting the understanding of global responsibility and allowing the addition of information sensitive to needs.



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Sustainable Development Goal #16: Peace and Justice Strong Institutions


Global strategies
(D) Detailed strategies
  • Social activity » Participation
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    Last update
    Dec 3, 2024