Consolidating independenceEnsuring independenceMaintaining independenceBroaderEnsuringYet to rateConsolidatingYet to rateNarrowerPromoting press freedomPresentableCooperating internationallyPresentableUsing independent monitoring of political processesYet to rateUndertaking independent investigationYet to rateSupporting occupational guildsYet to rateSupporting independent initiatives in science and technologyYet to rateRegulating public sector with independent bodyYet to rateReducing threats to independence of professionalsYet to rateRe-evaluating independent prideYet to rateProviding independent record verificationYet to ratePromoting independent learningYet to ratePromoting independent audiovisual productionYet to ratePreserving independence of United Nations agenciesYet to rateNetworking independent producersYet to rateManaging independent hospitalsYet to rateMaintaining professional independenceYet to rateInforming through an independent pressYet to rateIncreasing self sufficiencyYet to rateIncreasing independence of the disabledYet to rateEstablishing independent UN standby military forceYet to rateEstablishing independent monitoring bodies for freshwater resourcesYet to rateEnsuring local economic sufficiencyYet to rateEnsuring independent researchYet to rateEnsuring independence of the judiciaryYet to rateEnhancing independence of scientific operationsYet to rateEnhancing independence of police operationsYet to rateEnhancing independence of marketsYet to rateEnhancing independence of executive branch actionYet to rateEncouraging national self-determinationYet to rateDefending independenceYet to rateCoordinating independent producersYet to rateCampaigning for personal freedomsYet to rateAllowing independent decision-makingYet to rateAbstaining from political independenceYet to rateConstrainsChallenging claims of independence by extra-territorial basesYet to rate ValueIndependenceYet to rateDependenceYet to rateMetadataDatabaseGlobal strategiesType(C) Cross-sectoral strategiesContent qualityYet to rate Yet to rateLanguageEnglishLast updateDec 3, 2024