1. Global strategies
  2. Compiling existing mores

Compiling existing mores


Revealing what the present basic sinews are that hold world communities together. The effect is that this objectification of the basic community net would extend an individual's awareness of human solidarity and intensify his awareness of how his own immediate community affirms or denies basic human dignity.


An integral part of codifying unifying covenants through creating a fresh awareness of fundamental caring for all.


Tactics include: secular myth to reveal the story by which different men determine their actions and relationship to other people and to the world; religious mores to compile and research the creeds, symbols and heroes that stand behind these mores and expose the basic sinews of community life defined through a theological framework; contractual history to show the form of binding agreements (legal and religious contracts), exposing certain basics useful to contract drafting in the context of global agreements; foundational law to show how the legal system enforces adherence to basic ideological principles condensed upon as necessary to the functioning of human society; and covenant research to codify covenants, laws, rites and traditions and detect areas where such things needs to be altered, eliminated, or intensified. An example might be the work of Margaret Mead (an anthropologist) as it reveals the style of adolescence in Samoa.



Global strategies
(D) Detailed strategies
  • Recreation » Folk traditions
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    Last update
    Dec 3, 2024