Genetic weapons
- Ethnic bioweapons
- Dependence ethnic weapons
- Race weapons
Weapons designed to infect and then kill or sterilize specific ethnic groups are now possible, although none are yet thought to exist. Such genetic weapons would exploit naturally occurring differences in vulnerability among specific population groups. The potential to "target anatomical or physiological systems, including vision, or which use knowledge of human genetic similarities and differences to target weapons" are considerable. The potential effects of genetic weapons could be more insidious and less obvious than anything which exists presently. For example, it could be possible to design an agent to create sterility or pass on a lethal hereditary defect.
In November 1970 an article under the title of 'Ethnic Weapons's appeared 'Military Review', the professional journal of the US Army. The author states; 'In brief, human populations can be characterized by frequencies of distinct genes. Sometimes, gene frequencies agree fairly well between widely dispersed populations, but more often there are great differences'. He cites an example, 'Recently a series of widely debated observations have revealed an enzyme deficiency, in Southeastern Asian populations, making them susceptible to a poison to which Caucasoids are largely adapted', and concludes that 'the prospect may tempt an aggressor who knows he can recruit from a population largely tolerant against an incapacitating agent to which the target population is susceptible'.
During the Vietnam War, an elite group of scientists working for the Pentagon was employed to carry out blood tests on select groups of Asians in order to 'prepare a map portraying the geographic distribution of human blood groups and other inherited blood characters'. The USA Department of Defence has been involved in research on Coccidioides immitis, commonly known as Valley Fever. The disease can result in a mortality rate of 50-60%, but only 1-11% of whites will develop the fatal form while 20-59% of blacks will do so. The SADF may currently be researching viruses, chemicals, and diseases which will affect only blacks.
Technologies of mass killing are already well-developed, but genetic weaponry offers new scope for causing injury and suffering.
Genetic weapons should not be assumed to fall under the aegis of current agreements on chemical and biological warfare, which outlaw the use of weapons which cause unnecessary suffering and superfluous injury. Physicians involved in research into the effects of such weapons systems, whether as agents for weapons development companies or for control agencies, will face extraordinary ethical challenges, as their work could be used by those who pay no regard to international law or accepted standards.