- Western provincialism
- Excessive bias in favour of European and Western culture
The implicit, or explicit, assumption that European (or Euro-American) perspectives are in some way superior to those centred on other cultures or regions and as such deserves a privileged position in society and policy-making. This is sustained by the belief that Europe was the primary focal point of human history.
Development theory for a long time differentiated between two oppositional approaches, modernisation theory and dependency or world systems theory. The discourse of modernisation theory implicitly proclaims that the so-called "developed" world is superior to all "non-western" and "late-industrialising" countries. This resulted in a constant application of Eurocentric attitudes.
Eurocentrism is a specifically modern phenomenon, the roots of which go back only to the Renaissance. It did not flourish until the nineteenth century, and in this sense, it constitutes one dimension of the culture and ideology of the modern capitalist world. European culture was reconstructed during the Enlightenment on mythical foundations, mainly on the assumption that history is following a progressive path.
Development economists typically projected a convergence to Western ways. There is an assumption in the Western approach that all cultures would merge to one correct, Western way of thinking: differences might continue with respect to art, food, and music, but technologies and social organization would merge to one best way. Reculturalization of the republics of the old USSR and the general disillusion with development in Third World countries suggest that this view is false. Development economists first need to learn to address cultural diversity.
Always be suspicious of conclusions that reinforce uncritical hope and follow comforting traditions of Western thought. (Stephen J. Gould).
Therapies generally are Eurocentric meaning that they have developed with observations and practice on white Caucasians. This phenomenon has been described as even the rat was white". These therapies emphasise independence, individuation, responsibility and insight whereas the importance of such things may or may not be so relevant in other cultures. Some of these cultures lay stress on predetermination, divine interventions, evil possessions, karmic consequence and resignation to fate. Insight may be seen as secondary and extended families often apportion responsibility differently.
There is space for Eurocentrism in a multicultural enterprise so long as it does not parade as universal. No one wants to banish the Eurocentric view. It is a valid view of reality where it does not force its way. Afrocentricity does not seek to replace Eurocentricity in its arrogant disregard for other cultures.