Voodoo trance consciousness
- Vodoun possession
- Hand of divine grace
- which abound in the world. Haitian voodoo makes use of extensive rituals, and the powers of the priest - [ongan]
or [houngan]
- or priestess - [manbo]
or [mambo]
- are said to be sufficient, through the stimulus of fear or dread alone, to induce ecstatic states or non-rational behaviour during the rites. One of the chief purposes of these rites is precisely to invoke the [loa]
, using songs, prayers and vévé (magical diagrams). The trance state or possession by the [loa]
is said to bring true communion with the spirit and is also referred to as the "hand of divine grace". There is complete loss of consciousness as the individual is taken over by the [loa]
and acts in accordance with the [loa's]
character and wishes. Thus a physically disabled person may lose the disabilities while in the trance state, while a young and healthy person may start to act as though old and frail. Facial characteristics may also change in line with those of the spirit.