Vairagya (Hinduism, Yoga)
- Viraga
- Dispassion
This state arising naturally as, discovering the reality of Brahman, the transient ceases to attract one. The beginning of dispassion is the decision to take on a disciplined course of action such as demanded of the traveller on the yogic path. Practice of discipline sharpens dispassion, and the two are interdependent. Finally, the adept reaches a state of thirstlessness, vitrisna, when the mundane life is abandoned and there is absence of all desire for the pleasures and values of the world.
Together with discrimination – viveka, desire for liberation – mumuksutva and the six great virtues – satkasampatti, listed by Shankara as one of the four requirements for one who has spiritual aspirations. One of the essential steps in jnana yoga, the way of knowledge.