Unprofitable consciousness in the sense sphere (Buddhism)
Of the eight associated with greed: four are accompanied by joy, that is: accompanied with false or wrong views and unprompted; accompanied with false or wrong views and prompted; unaccompanied with false or wrong views and unprompted; unaccompanied with false or wrong views and prompted. And four are accompanied with equanimity, that is: accompanied with false or wrong views and unprompted; accompanied with false or wrong views and prompted; unaccompanied with false or wrong views and unprompted; unaccompanied with false or wrong views and prompted.
Of the two associated with hate, both are associated with grief and resentment, one is unprompted, the other prompted.
Of the two associated with delusion, both are associated with equanimity. One is associated with uncertainty or doubt, the other with agitation. They arise at times of indecision or wavering.
All 12 give rise to materiality, to postures and to intimation.