Stages of the spiritual path (Buddhism)
- Lam-rim (Tibetan)
Tibetan Buddhism rejoices in a number of manuals on doctrine – lam-rim – that set forth the spiritual path as a series of stages and give advice on Buddhism in practice. One such is the "Jewel Ornament of Liberation" of Sgam Po (Gampopa). This takes the follower through six stages: (i) knowledge of the presence of buddhahood in all sentient beings; (ii) knowledge of existence as a human being as being the most propitious existence to realize this buddhahood; (iii) knowledge of the instruction of a guru or spiritual guide as absolutely necessary for progress in such realization; (iv) use of the guru's teachings; (v) progress on the path leading to experience of buddhahood in body, speech and mind – trikaya; (vi) finding true meaning of the path in work for others. Point (iv) expounds on the classic instructions concerning: samsara, the endless cycle of births and deaths, and the law of karma; the requirement for compassion; arousing the bodhicitta (awakened mind); the paramita or six perfections; the ten stages – bhumi on the path of the bodhisattva.