Journeying within transcendence - from me to you
Although the disciples have misunderstood Jesus they still follow him in faith, unlike the Jews who seek his death. His death will break and shatter them at many levels, but there is still hope. They will receive the strengthening and power of the Holy Spirit which will transform the negative to the positive and act as another advocate for them with God. The Spirit witnesses in the heart so that the disciple may witness externally to others. At the centre of the self there is an openness to God and humanity; and it is from there that the energy, breath, life-giving force acts to lead one out of one's self, beyond the limits, there is the revelation of who "I am". From here there is a moving out to others, a refusal to move out diminishes the spirit within.
The fifteenth section of St John's Gospel, Chapter XIII 31 to XVI 31, is related to a stage in the spiritual journey of the individual.
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Human development
(H) Concepts of human development
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Last update
Dec 3, 2024