Freedom of choice
The mere ability to make choices between good and evil is the lowest limit of freedom because the only aspect that is free is that good can be chosen. When evil can be chosen freedom is lost. An evil choice always destroys freedom. Total spiritual freedom is the complete inability to choose evil. When everything desired is truly good and every choice aspires to that good and attains it, there is freedom because everything desired is done and every act of will ends in perfect fulfilment. Freedom is not the equal balance between good and evil but in the perfect love and acceptance of what is good and the hatred and rejection of what is evil so that everything done is good and results in happiness. It is in refusing and denying and ignoring every possibility that might lead to unhappiness, self-deception and grief. Perfect freedom can only be found in perfect union and submission to the will of God. Perfect freedom is the ability to do God's will. To be able to resist God's will is not to be free but to be enslaved.