UndueUndulyBroaderRightness-WrongnessPresentableJustice-InjusticePresentableDueness-UnduenessPresentableProblemOligopoliesExcellentUndue political pressurePresentableUndue military influencePresentableUndue control of prices by intermediariesPresentableUndue concentration of capitalist banksPresentablePoliticization of public servicePresentableObstruction of administration of justice by undue influencePresentableNeglect of victims of crimePresentableInstitutional economic dominationPresentableInadequate equipment maintenancePresentableForced separation of parents and childrenPresentableVulnerability of society to truthYet to rateUnwillingness to risk loss of lifeYet to rateUndue religious influence on secular lifeYet to rateUndue industrial controlYet to rateUndue hasteYet to rateUndue attachment to territoryYet to rateUndue attachment to a social groupYet to rateSon-less familiesYet to rateInsecurity of social eventsYet to rateExtraterrestrial invasionYet to rateDeluded quest for immortalityYet to rateStrategyFostering active housing careYet to rateMetadataDatabaseHuman valuesType(D) Destructive valuesContent qualityYet to rate Yet to rateLanguageEnglishLast updateDec 2, 2024