FluctuationFluctuationsFluctuatingBroaderResolution-IrresolutionPresentableRegularity-IrregularityYet to rateOscillation-AgitationYet to rateProblemSeasonal unemploymentPresentableSeasonal fluctuations in food productionPresentableInstability of the world economyPresentableInstability of production of food and live animalsPresentableFluctuating agricultural products marketsPresentableExchange rate volatilityPresentableCompassion fatiguePresentableUntenable investmentsYet to rateSeasonal fluctuationsYet to rateInstability of pricesYet to rateDependency on unpredictable sources of incomeYet to rateStrategyUsing seasonal fluctuations in workYet to rateUsing seasonal fluctuationsYet to rateTaking advantage of oil price fluctuationsYet to rateTaking advantage of fluctuations in real value of moneyYet to rateStabilizing availability of foodYet to rateFluctuating financial exchange mechanismsYet to rateEstablishing stable competitive marketsYet to rateDestabilizing pricesYet to rateCoping with seasonal fluctuationsYet to rateControlling market price fluctuationYet to rateAnticipating price fluctuationsYet to rateMetadataDatabaseHuman valuesType(D) Destructive valuesContent qualityYet to rate Yet to rateLanguageEnglishLast updateDec 2, 2024