BreedingBroaderProduction-ReproductionPresentableCourtesy-DiscourtesyPresentableProblemHuman eugenicsExcellentUnderutilized animal genetic resourcesPresentableDangerous pet animalsPresentableThreatened species of Rheobatrachus vitellinusYet to rateMosquito breeding pondsYet to rateExcess breeding of dogsYet to rateAnimal and plant eugenicsYet to rateStrategyEmploying eugenicsPresentableUsing mutation breeding to improve plant genetic characteristicsYet to rateStarting fish breeding poolsYet to rateSpraying mosquito breeding placesYet to rateSelective breeding of food plantsYet to rateSelective breeding of fibrous plantsYet to rateResearching experimentation breedingYet to rateRemoving dominant animals from breeding stockYet to ratePractising selective breeding of animalsYet to rateMaking breeding and fattening sitesYet to rateIncreasing genetic strength of domestic animalsYet to rateImproving economic cattle breedingYet to rateExploring hybrid seed varietiesYet to rateEliminating insect breeding placesYet to rateEliminating disease-breeding wasteYet to rateDisrupting animal breeding groundsYet to rateCaptive breeding of endangered speciesYet to rateBreeding poplarsYet to rateBreeding plantsYet to rateBreeding organismsYet to rateBreeding locally adapted plantsYet to rateBreeding horsesYet to rateBreeding endangered animal speciesYet to rateBreeding dogsYet to rateBreeding disease-resistant plantsYet to rateBreeding cattleYet to rateBeginning scientific cattle breedingYet to rateAbstaining from animal breedingYet to rateSDGMetadataDatabaseHuman valuesType(C) Constructive valuesSubjectAgriculture, fisheries » BreedingContent qualityYet to rate Yet to rateLanguageEnglishLast updateDec 2, 2024