AnomalyAnomalousAnomaliesBroaderSanity-InsanityPresentableConformity-NonconformityPresentableAgreement-DisagreementPresentableProblemVelo-cardio facial syndromePresentableMisperceptionPresentableLarge-scale weather anomaliesPresentableCranio-facial defectsPresentableCongenital abnormalitiesPresentableBlind belief in a homogenous realityPresentableUnexplained phenomenaYet to rateThreatened species of Polyommatus humedasaeYet to rateThreatened species of Polyommatus galloiYet to ratePuerperal blood dyscrasiaYet to ratePlacental anomaliesYet to rateGeomagnetic field anomaliesYet to rateCongenital upper limb anomaliesYet to rateCongenital anomalies of urinary tractYet to rateCongenital anomalies of urinary systemYet to rateCongenital anomalies of the urinary system in animalsYet to rateCongenital anomalies of the skin, hair and nailsYet to rateCongenital anomalies of the reproductive system in animalsYet to rateCongenital anomalies of ribcageYet to rateCongenital anomalies of respiratory systemYet to rateCongenital anomalies of nailsYet to rateCongenital anomalies of liverYet to rateCongenital anomalies of intestineYet to rateCongenital anomalies of genital organsYet to rateCongenital anomalies of cranium and face bonesYet to rateCongenital anomalies of chromosomesYet to rateAnomalous tooth positionYet to rateAnomalies of the jawYet to rateAnomalies of the gall-bladderYet to rateAnomalies of pancreasYet to rateStrategyStudying weather anomaliesYet to rateStudying meaning of anomaliesYet to rateStudying large-scale weather anomaliesYet to rateStudying geomagnetic field anomaliesYet to rateStudying congenital anomaliesYet to rateStudying anomalous phenomenaYet to rateExternalizing aberrationYet to rateMetadataDatabaseHuman valuesType(D) Destructive valuesContent qualityYet to rate Yet to rateLanguageEnglishLast updateDec 2, 2024