Taking medical drugs
- Using prescription drugs
- Obtaining medicines for treatment
- Using pharmaceuticals
There have been many proposals to improve and simplify the availability of prescription medicines, while maintaining safety. For drugs that are almost safe enough to be non-prescription items (e.g. birth control pills, angina or migraine treatments), these could be prescribed with (almost) unlimited refills. This would provide the patient with virtually off-the-shelf access for a long period of time – up to five or ten years – but with volume limited to reasonable usage over regular periods. There could also be categories of drugs prescribed by trained quasi-medical specialists, such as nurses, pharmacists, psychologist, sports trainers, naturopaths and the like, each specialist category having its own list of prescribable drugs. Certain other drugs could be made available only with taped education (audio or video), which could be lent or given to the patient or shown at the pharmacist or doctor's office.