1. Global strategies
  2. Supporting beneficial practices for agricultural biodiversity conservation

Supporting beneficial practices for agricultural biodiversity conservation

  • Providing information on agro-biodiversity good practice


Identify and promote the dissemination of information on cost-effective practices and technologies, and related policy and incentive measures that enhance the positive and mitigate the negative impacts of agriculture on biological diversity, productivity and capacity to sustain livelihoods.

Promote awareness about the value of agricultural biodiversity and the multiple goods and services provided by its different levels and functions, for sustainable productivity amongst producer organizations, agricultural cooperatives and enterprises, and consumers, with a view to promoting responsible practices


Beneficial practices are identified through: (a) Comprehensive analyses in selected production systems of the costs and benefits of alternative management practices and the valuation of the goods and services provided by agricultural biodiversity; (b) Comprehensive analyses of the impacts of agricultural production, including their intensification and extensification, on the environment and identification of ways to mitigate negative and promote positive impacts; (c) Identification, at international and national levels, in close collaboration with relevant international organizations, of appropriate marketing and trade policies, legal and economic measures which may support beneficial practices: including (i) Promotion of neglected and under-utilized species, varieties and breeds; (ii) Promotion of local and indigenous knowledge; (iii) Measures to add value to products of production systems that sustain biodiversity, and to diversify market opportunities; (iv) Access and benefit-sharing measures and intellectual property issues; (v) Economically and socially sound measures that act as incentives; and (vi) Training and capacity-building in support of the above.

There is a largely unrealized potential to improve the management of various aspects of agricultural biodiversity at the level of the agro-ecosystem, through, for example, participatory breeding and selection strategies. Farmer groups, and other producer organizations, can be instrumental in furthering the interests of farmers in optimizing sustainable, diversified, production systems and consequently in promoting responsible actions concerning the conservation and sustainable use of agricultural biodiversity. Consumer organizations are also increasingly influential in this regard.



Sustainable Development Goal #2: Zero Hunger


Global strategies
(E) Emanations of other strategies
Content quality
Last update
Sep 29, 2022