Strengthening role of geosciences in development
- Encouraging international cooperation in application of earth sciences
UNESCO's programme includes the following: supporting international and regional cooperation in research in earth sciences, as well as the transfer of knowledge and know-how from industrialized to developing countries.
The Association of Geoscientists for International Development encourages (a) communication between individuals, societies, agencies and corporations interested in the application of geosciences to international development; (b) promotes activities in the geosciences related to needs of developing countries; (c) promotes and encourages among earth scientists an awareness of their responsible role in the management of natural resources; and (d) emphasizes the fundamental role of the geosciences in social and economic development. Programmes include: information and personnel services, publications, training courses, workshops and seminars; these are mainly proposed and organized by third world geoscientists and held in developing countries. It also operates a geoscience information service, appropriate technology advisory service, and assists in recruitment of personnel for work in developing countries.
National training courses are held on: engineering geology; exploration methods in tropical rain forests; groundwater management; geology of tin deposits; geochemical exploration techniques; applied mineral economics. Workshops, seminars and symposia are held on: geoscience education; groundwater research; strategies for small scale mining; technical assistance programmes in the geosciences.