Strengthening national resistance movements
Fighting the occupation of foreign powers and the collaboration of local citizens with those powers. Resistance movements aim toward the liberation of their nation and often lead to the restructuring of society.
Propaganda, underground literature and agitation materials are published and disseminated to the general public and special groups like the military or industrial workers. This maintains public awareness of the intent and methods of the movement and creates a positive image of the resistance. Strikes, demonstrations, refusing to pay taxes, boycotts and other methods of agitation involve the greater part of the population in anti-occupation activities with a minimum risk to their lives. Divisionary tactics disrupt the organization of the occupying forces and local collaborators. Sabotaging enterprises, transportation, communications and food and delivery services disrupts the political and economic life of the nation. Armed attacks against strategic targets force increased commitment to security measures. Selective killing of collaborators and representatives of the occupying country eliminates key people and creates an atmosphere of insecurity. Helping foreign anti-occupation workers, prisoners of war and people who are endangered by occupying forces helps expand the base of resistance workers. The resistance requires organization at some point in its development in order to enlist and train new members, create coordinated disruptive tactics and expand the resistance to other regions.
Resistance movements become disruptive after the occupying forces have been driven out.
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Defence » Resistance
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Last update
Dec 3, 2024