1. Global strategies
  2. Self-regulating forestry management

Self-regulating forestry management


Self-regulation is achieved in the forestry industry when companies: (1) commit themselves to excellence in sustainable yield forestry and environmental management, and conduct their business in a responsible manner designed to protect the environment and the health and safety of employees, customers and the public; (2) assess, plan, construct and operate facilities, and conduct operations, in compliance with all applicable regulations; (3) manage and protect forest resources under their stewardship for multiple use and sustained yield; (4) apply sound management practices, beyond or in the absence of regulatory requirements, to advance environmental protection and reduce environmental impact; (5) promote environmental awareness among employees and the public, and train employees in their environmental responsibilities; (6) report regularly to their Boards of Directors on their environmental status and performance; (7) work with government in the development of regulations and standards based on sound, economically achievable technologies, and the analysis of environmental impact; and (8) support scientific research on environmental protection and apply such knowledge in its activities.


FORESTCARE is an initiative developed by member companies of the Alberta Forest Products Association in Canada to promote sustainable forest management. Its guiding principles include: (1) Member companies will ensure that harvest levels do not exceed the capacity of the forest, that all harvested areas are reforested, and that harvest and reforestation methods foster a healthy new forest, supporting a diversity of species. (2) Member companies will manage their activities on forest lands for multiple uses and values, including timber growth and harvest, watershed protection, wildlife and aquatic habitat and recreational and aesthetic benefits. (3) Member companies will manage their forest and manufacturing operations in a manner that protects the environment, placing special emphasis on the quality of air, water, soil and habitat. (4) Member companies will operate in a manner that protects the health and safety of employees, contractors and the general public. (5) Member companies will be open and responsive to community views and questions regarding the industry. (6) Member companies will conduct operations to ensure that the renewable forest resource provides economic activity and employment now and in the future, while conserving other forest values.


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Sustainable Development Goal #8: Decent Work and Economic GrowthSustainable Development Goal #15: Life on Land


Global strategies
(G) Very specific strategies
  • Agriculture, fisheries » Forestry
  • Management » Management
  • Individuation » Individuation
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    Last update
    Oct 2, 2018