Researching transboundary water pollution
Article 5 of the Convention on the Protection and use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes requires parties to initiate or intensify specific research programmes aimed at: (a) Methods for the assessment of the toxicity of hazardous substances and the noxiousness of pollutants; (b) Improved knowledge on the occurrence, distribution and environmental effects of pollutants and the processes involved; (c) The development and application of environmentally sound technologies, production and consumption patterns; (d) The phasing out and/or substitution of substances likely to have transboundary impact; (e) Environmentally sound methods of disposal of hazardous substances; (f) Special methods for improving the conditions of transboundary waters; (g) The development of environmentally sound water-construction works and water-regulation techniques; (h) The physical and financial assessment of damage resulting from transboundary impact. The results of these research programmes shall be exchanged among the Parties in accordance with article 6 of the Convention.