1. Global strategies
  2. Providing structures for participation

Providing structures for participation

  • Creating framework for social participation


One of the most basic factors is local people participating in all aspects of determining their own development It consists of identifying their own needs and the basic planning of their own development activities This is followed with implementation of the development plans It includes building community organization structures that take into account geographically-related groups, community-wide decision-making and the creation of self-help groups. Local people participate in upgrading their development planning with training that increases their potential.

Enabling people to tackle issues that they would not be able to deal with singly By organizing a structure for decision-making, people get the opportunity to choose for changes in their life and to be united enough to come to an implementation of their choice.

Part of the process of developing solidarity and self-dependence within the rural community is for the people to think through and the form of organization to accomplish what they wish to do. Since organizing an effort is itself a skill to be learned by action and reflection, it is best if early structuring of a project is simple, flexible and informal.

Organizing a project is best done as a process that creates structures as the task demands and people's capacity to manage allows. Legal forms established prematurely are hard to undo if they turn out to be too restrictive. Early registration allows the more advantaged or powerful factions to take control and nullify the participatory dynamic the project sought to introduce. Similarly whether to use a single-purpose or multi-purpose form is best answered over time. Single-purpose forms are better for starting activities and can evolve into multi-purpose co- operatives as the members develop greater managerial capacity.

A local organization can create appropriate ways for different groups in the community to participate. Since projects rely on the willingness of the people to be involved for their effectiveness, a form which encourages rather than restricts participation is required.

In a scheme built with the people to be benefited in charge, the most local unit is the most important (landless labourers, for instance). The other layers of organization and support are shaped to enable implementation of this unit's decisions, be it the family, the village or a special group.



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Global strategies
(D) Detailed strategies
  • Society » Social
  • Social activity » Participation
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    Last update
    Dec 3, 2024