1. Global strategies
  2. Networking women

Networking women

  • Linking together women


OUTDATED The World's Women On-Line is an electronic art networking project. Utilizing the Internet as a global exhibition format, the site http://wwol.inre.asu.edu/intro.html focuses attention on the challenge of bringing the vast resource of women's experience and culture into the rapidly developing field of information technology. is also shown as a multimedia installation in major galleries. At the United Nations' Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing, China in 1995, it was presented as a totally portable, battery-powered installation that was shown on a powerbook and VCR in several different locations. The World's Women On-Line demonstrates the professionalism and achievement of women artists internationally; bridges language barriers through art imagery; and promotes the interdisciplinary collaboration between technologists and artists.


Men do not network as well because it is more difficult to admit they have needs and there is often a fear of appearing vulnerable. Consequently, men bond together in ways which make them feel more powerful, and one way of achieving that is by excluding people. Historically, women have been excluded from many male dominated organizations, from the boardroom to the golf course. All women everywhere share similar experiences of having been excluded or having confronted a barrier in a male dominated organization. All those oppressive systems and outdated stereotypes are lifted when women meet on common ground and create a support system for each other.

Psychologists report that women are better at networking than men. Since they were little girls, women have been taught to share, to meet other people's needs.


Yet to rate
Yet to rate


UIA organization


Sustainable Development Goal #5: Gender Equality


Global strategies
(D) Detailed strategies
  • Society » Women
  • Social activity » Networks
  • Content quality
    Yet to rate
     Yet to rate
    Last update
    Mar 8, 2023