Manufacturing sugar
With the continuing increase in the production of cane sugar and stagnation of beet sugar production, there is a significant shift in favour of cane sugar. In the majority of countries, most sugar production is for domestic consumption. China and India, for example, hardly export any sugar. Nearly 30% of the world's sugar production is traded internationally.
Since 1995, Brazil has been the largest exporter with a market share of 18%, thus having overtaken the European Union (15.6%), which occupied the number one position for many years. Other important exporters are Australia (13.2%), Thailand (11.2%), Cuba (7.5%), Ukraine (6%) and Guatemala (3%). These seven countries together account for almost three quarters of the sugar sold on the world market. The developing countries together have a world market share of 60%. Although the world market share of the exporting countries not mentioned above is low, for many of them sugar is an important source of foreign exchange.