1. Global strategies
  2. Interpreting depth experience

Interpreting depth experience


To the individual to understand and articulate his primal experiences of the unknown, the impingements and the brokenness of life. The catalytic effect is to turn the tension of man's despair into creative engagement in community structures and participation in shaping his own destiny and the future of the globe.


An integral part of recreating human mythology to enable local man to create a new self story, seeing himself in his local situation as a global person with a covenantal relationship to life.


Tactics include: primal emotions to allow all men in the community to interpret their depth experiences by funnelling them into one of the primal emotions (e.g. fear) that is more easily appropriated; empathetic identification to create a catalytic effect which will allow men to interpret their depth experience by showing man or community a hero that articulates their experiences; creative engagement to help man and community interpret their depth experiences by externalizing them in one of the performing or pictorial arts; everyday fabric to help man and community interpret their depth experiences by spelling out the myth in actions that are common and contemporary so that he may recognize himself in them; and earth-shaking events to help man and community interpret their depth experiences by using shared significant events which give man permission to appropriate these eruptions in his life myth. An example is a cult dance, which creatively acts out the stories of the joys and struggles of a community's past.


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Sustainable Development Goal #3: Good Health and Well-being


Global strategies
(D) Detailed strategies
  • Information » Interpretation, translation
  • Education » Educational level
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    Last update
    Dec 1, 2022