Improving regional consultations and information exchange on implementing Agenda 21
Agenda 21 recommends that, at the regional level, existing organizations should consider the desirability of improved regional and subregional consultative processes and round-table meetings to facilitate the exchange of data, information and experience in the implementation of Agenda 21. UNDP, building on the results of the regional surveys on capacity-building that these regional organizations carried out on the UN Conference on Environment and Development initiative, and in collaboration with existing regional, subregional or national organizations with potential for regional coordination, should provide a significant input for this purpose. The relevant national unit should establish a steering mechanism. A periodic review mechanism should be established among the countries of the region with the assistance of the appropriate regional organizations and the participation of development banks, bilateral aid agencies and non-governmental organizations. Another possibility is to develop national and regional research and training facilities, building on existing regional and subregional institutions.