Implementing national environmental action plans
- Implementing NEAPs
In many respects the drafting of a National Environmental Action Plan (NEAP) and the national discussion this will create, is the first important step in implementing the plan. The process of discussion and involvement of all the key government agencies and national actors, organisations and institutions, both in identifying the key environmental problems and in devising solutions for actions, represents the key starting point for implementing a NEAP.
Many states have developed NEAPs within the "Environment for Europe" process. Many states have drawn up national environmental health action plans (NEHAPs) and are now preparing to implement them. NEAPs and NEHAPs should be developed together and should complement each other. It may be convenient to use one instrument as a framework and to develop other plans and programmes within this framework; that will depend on the institutional arrangements in the country concerned. It is important to avoid unnecessary duplication between the NEAP and the NEHAP.