Fashioning skills-development models
- Ordering skills-development models
Creating and implementing globally applicable models for skills training. The catalytic effect is the expansion of man's image of work to benefit all.
An integral part of providing necessary skills, whether training or personnel, and to eliminate local pockets of unemployment while necessary industries lie idle.
Tactics include: (a) project implementation to integrate the model into the local situation; (b) industry permeation to provide the means of setting up the model in a specific industrial situation; (c) participant experiences to demonstrate the nature of the model to the participants through practical experiences; (d) curriculum development to provide the methodology whereby useful skills may be learned; and (e) re-imaged vocation to direct the participant to appreciate his role of global corporateness and the global contribution he can make. An example is the training of machinists: a training model for manual workers in rural areas could include instruction in safety, machine information and care, as well as the actual job operation. In addition, the task could be related to the whole social process through models for lectures and short courses.