1. Global strategies
  2. Enlarging operating context

Enlarging operating context


Re-defining the family identity in such a way as to allow recognition and acceptance of responsibility at every level of community from family to global. The effect is to increase the frame of reference of individuals who are in positions of responsibility in bureaucratic systems, deliberative systems, societal methods, and public information.


An integral part of redirecting family purpose, building a new internal order and stability and being directed towards engagement in the community outside itself on behalf of everyone.


Tactics include: community myths to provide an imaginal grounding for community spirit by raising up historical events and by projecting future opportunities; phase participation to increase the opportunities for involvement of all age levels by increasing the sense of belonging to the phase, by preparing persons within the phase, and by matching skills with need; local identification to increase the sense of belonging by gathering as a community for various practical purposes and by expressing the distinctiveness of the community; global responsibility to motivate families to accept responsibility for the whole world through various activities which emphasize other areas and regions of the Earth; and community covenants to recognize the relatedness of members of a social grouping through rituals, signs, special gatherings, decision-making and checking on responsibility. For example, a decision made by a bureaucrat about the news policy of a radio station would be affected by his operating context as well as that of the person who has written to the station about his preferences.



Global strategies
(D) Detailed strategies
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Last update
Dec 3, 2024