Enhancing global interdependence
- Globalizing interdependence
- Pursuing globalist agenda
The interdependence principle affirms the interdependence of respect for human rights, fulfillment of social justice and equity, achievement of environmental protection and preservation, and the attainment of peace.
These components are interdependent facets of a potentially viable solution. It no longer seems possible to consider "problems" in isolation (such as threats and impacts of war; the exponential growth of population; continued urbanization; the use of ecologically unsafe and unsound energy; the loss of ecological integrity; the disposal of toxic and hazardous wastes (including nuclear waste); the disregard for intergenerational and gender equality/equity; the ignoring of health issues related to population and environmental degradation; the perpetuation of the current model of development; the inequitable distribution of resources; the disenfranchised and the enfranchised gap, etc.)