Enabling significant engagementBroaderEnabling-DisenablingYet to rateEmpowering-IncapacitatingYet to rateEnhancing creative community participationYet to rateNarrowerGuarding meaningful involvementYet to rateExtending knowledge accessYet to rateConstrainsSuggesting social choice prioritiesYet to ratePreventing excesses in individual behaviourYet to rateCreating social tension through involvement in corporate welfareYet to rateConstrained bySetting priorities for individual social engagementYet to rateRelating actions to rights of othersYet to rateLimiting desire for social involvementYet to rateDefining vocational possibilitiesYet to rateAccessing knowledge for significant social actionsYet to rateFacilitatesInstituting effective domestic securityPresentableRe-evaluating corporate welfareYet to ratePromoting necessary social actionYet to rateProducing awareness of the need for corporate actionYet to rateInjecting fresh insights on individual rightsYet to rateDemanding individual participation in decision-making in societyYet to rateFacilitated byTelling personal storyYet to rateStimulating understanding of meaningful social activityYet to rateProviding direction for individual social engagementYet to rateOpening channels for societal engagementYet to rateMaintaining freedom of life styleYet to rateMaintaining flow of knowledge for societal advancementYet to rateIlluminating purpose of lifeYet to rateIlluminating personal worthYet to rateFreeing people to participateYet to rateAssuring expressed conscienceYet to rateAllowing time for participationYet to rate MetadataDatabaseGlobal strategiesType(C) Cross-sectoral strategiesContent qualityYet to rate Yet to rateLanguageEnglishLast updateDec 3, 2024