Dissolving monarchy
In many nations with monarchies, monarchies represent a symbol of the nations heritage and identity. Monarchies provide unity and strenght. Present day monarchies in many nations undertake charity work, and they are important culture and industry ambassadors for their respective country.
Monarchies are an invention not very well adapted to the democratic principles of modern society because monarchies are inherited authoritarian institutions. In Europe today, monarchies are tolerated in a mild and goodmannered form of their previous-self. Once monarchs ceased to be feared and obeyed they had to make themselves respectable or die. The French and Russian Royal families remained insensitive to the times and their fate was sealed. Monarchs no longer have a divine right to rule successively. Unlike the past, their validity has become subject to the personal merits of the monarch. Monarchs are seen as people who have inherited a lot wealth and too much power who are out of touch with society. The public questions why they should pay generously for their upkeep. Monarchies simply would never be established in a modern democracy. Monarchies have survived because they have adapted (but still not enough), and the moto is that they deserve to survive because of their beneficial role to society. However, for many people nothing less than the absolution of the monarchy will do. Certainly, those monarchies around the world that still control and abuse much of the nations power should be undermined or dissolved.
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(G) Very specific strategies
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Last update
Dec 3, 2024