Desexing domestic animals
- Castrating male animals
- Spaying female animals
- Neutering animals
Spayed and neutered pets are less distracted by sexual instincts. They can be more responsive. Spayed/neutered pets are less likely to roam the streets and become lost or injured in search of a mate. Spayed and neutered pets are cheaper to license. The metabolism of a cat changes after spaying and neutering, and the cat requires less food. This can save on cat food bills. They are less likely to fight with other cats, thus saving themselves much pain and their owners high veterinary bills. Spayed female cats are less likely to develop cancer or pyometra, a common uterine infection in unaltered females. When an unspayed female cat goes into heat, she may spray and defecate in inappropriate places and stain carpets and furniture. Her personality changes and she may howl continually. Additionally, she will attract noisy, fighting, and bothersome males. Pregnant female cats eat more both when pregnant and after offspring are born. Health care for pregnant females is expensive. Unneutered male cats typically spray urine to mark territory both inside and outside the home. This spray has an obnoxious, unmistakable odor. Neutering, at a young age, helps eliminate this problem.