1. Global strategies
  2. Confronting



A confrontation is the direct expression of one's view (thoughts and feelings) of a situation in conflict and an invitation for the other party to express his or her views of the conflict.


Confront when there is sufficient time to share views about the conflict. Confront in a "neutral" place. Communicate openly and directly your perceptions of, and feelings about, the issues in the conflict. Focus your concerns on the issues and the other party's behavior, not on the other party's character or personality. Comprehend as completely as possible the other person's views of, and feelings about, the conflict. Value disagreement. It gives an opportunity to work through that disagreement. Request and negotiate changes in behavior rather than demanding them. Invite the other person to confront you about your behavior. Reciprocal confrontations can balance power in the situation and lead to higher quality conflict management efforts. Don't preach to or interpret for the other person. Share your interpretations while inviting a collaborative approach to improving the situation.


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Global strategies
(A) Abstract fundamental strategies
  • Defence » Conflict
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