Being a burden to othersBroaderBeingYet to rateConstrained byIncreasing overseas development aidPresentableRedistributing fiscal burdenYet to ratePlacing burden of proofYet to rateGathering limited liabilityYet to rateDetermining civil liabilityYet to rateRelatedMeasuring burden of injuryYet to rateEstablishing immediate social helpYet to rateBeing with othersYet to rate ProblemConflict of interest in the terminally illYet to rateBeing a burdenYet to rateValueOverburdenYet to rateBurdensomenessYet to rateBeingYet to rateSDGMetadataDatabaseGlobal strategiesType(F) Exceptional strategiesContent qualityYet to rate Yet to rateLanguageEnglishLast updateMay 20, 2022