Assessing impact of activities affecting forest development
Closer attention is required to infra-structural and other land-using projects to minimize their potentially negative effects on forests. Forestry issues require to be addressed within a multisectoral context including, reforms of concession policies, forest revenue systems, fiscal, tax, and agricultural policies, infrastructural and land use planning procedures, land tenure systems and enforcement mechanisms. Special attention is required to macroeconomic and policy issues such as revenue sharing, resource pricing, public investments in other sectors, institutional budgets, tarriffs, energy policy, and incentive structures relating to land use. Financing of infrastructural projects (such as roads, dams and mines) that may lead to loss of primary forests must be subject to rigorous environmental assessment.
This strategy features in the framework of Agenda 21 as formulated at UNCED (Rio de Janeiro, 1992), now coordinated by the United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development and implemented through national and local authorities.
Agenda 21 recommends assessing the changing technological and financial needs of countries by making estimates of the impact at local, regional and global levels, where appropriate, of activities affecting forestry developments and conservation proposals in terms of key variables, such as developmental goals, benefits and costs, contribution of forests to other sectors, community welfare, environmental conditions and biological diversity.