Applying science
- Using scientific advances
- Using science and technology
Formulating knowledge through the systematic observation of and experimentation with phenomena which can then be used in daily life and the advancement of humankind.
Science is most frequently applied in the form of technology. This may manifest as machines, processes, procedures, techniques, and knowledge used in providing the world's goods, services and material and social structures, or most specifically as industrial methods for manufacturing production.
Scientific method has liberated mankind from ignorance and put the human race on the road to reason. These methods have resulted in modern medicine and the highest standard of living ever known and are now taking humanity into space.
Science is limited to repeatedly observable phenomena.
The methods of science are based on objectivity of the scientist which is impossible in any absolute sense.
Science only answers questions which scientists can ask within a paradigm and construct instruments to measure, both of which predetermine the answers to the questions.
It would be possible to describe everything scientifically, but it would make no sense; it would be without meaning, as if you described a Beethoven symphony as a variation of wave pressure (Albert Einstein).