Advancing management development
The European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD) is a forum for information, networking, dialogue and cooperation on management development. EFMD's network includes some 300 diverse member organizations in more than 40 countries, including: leading business schools and executive development centres; management development and training consultancies; public sector training agencies and consultancies specializing in public sector management; training schools and departments of chambers of commerce and employer's associations; companies, particularly their human resource concerns. Networking and partnerships between all members are facilitated through annual conferences, research conferences, working groups and occasional meetings, typically around specific themes. EFMD collects information concerning management development issues, publishes a quarterly Journal, special reports and guides, and offers subscription and call-in services. On occasion, EFMD joins other international associations in initiatives on issues of key importance to management development. As of 1994, EFMD's International Programmes Unit (IPU) is coordinating the following projects on behalf of the European Commission: The China-Europe Management Institute (CEMI) - a cooperative project between the EU and the Chinese Government; The Euro-CIS Management Development Project - a major project in the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) involving a range of EFMD member schools; The Euro-India Cooperation and Exchange Programme (EICEP) - a project between Indian and European management institutions; The Algerian Cooperation Programme.
Global strategies
(G) Very specific strategies
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Last update
Dec 3, 2024