Teaching basic literacy prowess | |
Developing broad environmental education | |
Providing a clearinghouse for economic development information | |
Integrating sustainable development information | |
Using new techniques of data collection on sustainable development | |
Developing industry | |
Sensitizing men to gender issues | |
Adopting forestry action plan | |
Developing fire management strategies for biodiversity conservation | |
Averting impact of environmental degradation on women and children | |
Helping women in exporting | |
Providing humanitarian aid to women and children | |
Involving women in agroforestry | |
Campaigning against trafficking in women | |
Improving opportunities for women's self-employment | |
Providing adequate diet for perimenopause | |
Improving maternity protection in employment | |
Promoting women's access to land and property | |
Integrating value of women's unpaid work in resource accounting systems | |
Improving access to fuelwood for rural women | |