Oesophageal atresia
- Webbed oesophagus
In oesophageal atresia the passage through the oesophagus is blocked because the lumen is obliterated. In 90% of instances the upper part of the oesophagus ends blindly and the lower part has a fistula to the trachea. In a substantial proportion of infants, other malformations exist. The maldevelopment arises during the fourth week of embryonic development, often causes hydramnios and can be suspected even before birth. If diagnosed rapidly, a life-saving operation can be performed, and if the infant survives and no other lethal malformations exist, life expectancy is good and no handicap should remain.
Recorded rates of oesophageal atresia are relatively constant around the world at around 2 to 3 births per 10,000.