Deviant society
A deviant society is a society whose structure is contrary to human nature and does not allow the satisfaction of basic human needs. Developed societies are to a certain extent responsive to material needs, but non-material needs are largely unmet. It is ironic that in this sense, the so called underdeveloped countries are actually more 'developed'. Schizophrenia, for instance, is much less common in the Third World than in industrialized countries, perhaps owing to their still viable natural communities such as strong families and villages. In poor countries people cry for bread; in rich countries they a hunger for meaning and identity. The unprecedented material progress during the post-war period has not necessarily made people happier.
Human beings have basic material needs such as physiological needs for food, shelter, warmth, rest, activity, etc; as well as basic non-material needs such as the needs for love and belongingness, self-esteem and recognition, orientation and meaning, self-actualization and self-transcendence. These needs are fundamental to the survival of the individual.
Numerous people in the industrialized societies long to get away from achievement-oriented society, away from soulless jobs on the factory floor, away from the grim climb up the career ladder. There is a longing for a softer society, a secret desire to drop out, to be free, to begin to live. Industrial and economic growth-oriented society thus suppresses basic non-material needs, especially those for love and belonging, because it is incompatible with viable natural communities. The family and the local community started to disintegrate with the advent of industrialism. The process of industrialization means that more and more people become organized in factories and offices which function according to impersonal bureaucratic rules. Large-scale enterprises may lead to increased productivity but they also take their toll in terms of depersonalization and anonymity.
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Dec 3, 2024