Destructive performance art
- Dangerous body decoration
Body performance art originated in the 1970's, and along with many harmless performances included an artist who shot himself, and another who sliced his penis like a salami.
In 1993, a 46 year old French artist had her face "sculpted" by a plastic surgeon to resemble pieces of famous paintings, including the forehead of Leonardo's Mona Lisa and the chin of Botticelli's Venus. A one-hour live TV broadcast, and a five-hour video of the operation was made. It was described as an external transformation of identity to match the change in internal identity which had taken place in the woman as a result of 23 years of psychoanalysis. The pop singer, Michael Jackson, had transformed his appearance by changing his skin colour and many aspects of his facial structure. Many other popular artists use plastic surgery, tattooing, and other body changes as if it were an art object.