Protecting non-linear contexts from communication pathwaysBroaderTransition domain between structure and communication pathwayYet to rateSpecial modes of relationshipYet to rateRelative isolation of structural interface with communication pathwayYet to rateOrganization of integrative superstructure to minimize insight blindspotsYet to rateLow-intensity communication pathwaysYet to rateLimiting exposure to harmonious perspectivesYet to rateLimitation on number of occupiable temporary sitesYet to rateIntegrating coordinated exposure to irrationality into structuresYet to rateHospitable non-linear domain external to structuresYet to rateHierachy of perspectives favouring the broadestYet to rateFunctional integration of unstructured internal domainsYet to rateFunctional enhancement of domains separating complementary structuresYet to rateContext for emergence of new perspectivesYet to rateBlended integration of formal structure and informal contextYet to rateAccessible non-linearityYet to rateNarrowerSymbols of integrationYet to rateProtecting variability to enhance fixityYet to ratePartially enclosed internal domainsYet to rateCommunication pathways enfolded by non-linearityYet to rateMetadataDatabaseMetaphors & patternsType(MP) Patterns (Christopher Alexander)Content qualityYet to rate Yet to rateLanguageEnglishLast updateDec 2, 2024